
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The story of my sixth grade trauma . . . set to music.

Here's the story of how I broke my wrist in sixth grade set to music far too good to be used for such stupid purposes. Check it out!


  1. Your words truly captured the essence of the song. The struggle. The angst. The pathos. Am I Not Human? Because Humans Don't Fall Down This Much, Seriously, What Species Am I? Japanese Falling Turtle?

    However, instead of a sense of loss and deep anguish you no doubt meant to induce, I found myself laughing hysterically. Hey, at least there were tears.

  2. That was such a beautiful piece of work, I think I cried a little at the end. The music really completed the ensemble. Touching story, bravo, bravo.

  3. Thank you, my dearest friends!
